Data Destruction

How Does it Work?

How does our data destruction work? It’s actually very simple!

Mechanical hard drives are made of a spinning disk and a read-write head, similar to a CD or Record. Since these parts are made of magnetic metals, any interference by strong magnets can damage the drive permanently. We take advantage of three separate methods for destruction:

Degaussing uses an ultra-powerful magnet to demagnetize sensitive parts within a mechanical Hard Drive.

Software Destruction utilizes programs certified by the US Department of Defense to securely erase data from any drive.

Physical Destruction is the tried and true method for any data destruction. Crack, snap, kaboom goes your data!


Can You Destroy Solid State Drives (SSDs)?

We sure can!

There are two data destruction options available for SSDs. We can disassemble the drive and physically destroy the board inside which has the same effect as Degausser. Or we can completely wipe the drive via advanced software, which removes all data but allows the drive to continue to be used.

Free Data Destruction Services

We also offer completely FREE hard drive destruction services with large electronics waste pickups. Call for more details!

To schedule an on-site hard drive destruction

Call or Text 254-300-1442

Certificate of Data Destruction

Our comprehensive Certificate of Data Destruction is issued following the completion of our service, ensuring the complete destruction of your data. This document displays the unique serial numbers of each device processed.


Click here to download a sample Certificate of Destruction.